1 Corinthians 7
(1) Build Wholeness
(2) Inspire and encourage unmarried individuals to reaffirm their commitment to Christ, living a Spirit-Controlled Life.
(3) Maintain Holiness
(4) Prepare for the Work of the Ministry to assist the Man/Woman of God w/the vision God has given them
(5) Prepare for transition to Marriage
(6) Promote Christian Fellowship and Develop a Support Network
The above objectives will be met through the teaching and Preaching of The Word of God, the sharing of life experiences, and Fellowship.
This population in the Church is a “mixed multitude” which includes the unattached, the widow, the divorced, and the single parent. Their needs are many and most times they are overlooked. They require consistent ministry as daily pressures are intensified due to being alone. Challenges are mainly in the areas of the flesh, child rearing, self-esteem, finances, and loneliness. These issues (not addressed) can weaken their commitment to Christ and to the work of the Ministry. The expected end is deepened intimacy with God, maturity in the things of the Spirit, and a well balanced life.
To Be Single means to be WHOLE (Healthy) in the mind, the emotions, and the body (Salvation). The objectives are listed in order of priority as the foundational focus is to teach on Singleness and deal with the flesh and its’ appetites, while reemphasizing purpose and destiny (i.e., Worship, Character (Fruit) Development, Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Warfare) and finally, preparation for marriage. Many are without a mate, but they are not Single. God desires to bring us to a place of productivity and stability in Himself first before He joins us to another eternal spirit.
Special events and outings as groups except as it relates to evangelism are not priority. There is a necessity to bring our faith to a level of maturity and to manifest clean living in the “single” population so that God can move in the Body and the Community unhindered. These are the ones that should be used to do the work of evangelism in the community, service and labor in the House of God, to include weekly intercession; thus freeing up the married who have families to be rulers and keepers of their houses. Single people are a gift to the Body of Christ from God, but they must be developed for use and released.