Living The Life


                                                                                                          Living the Christian Life

     Now that you are a Christian and in fellowship with God, you will want to learn more about how to grow closer to God.  The Bible calls this growing "in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18, NIV). Here are some things that will help you begin growing as a new Christian:

     Read the Bible Daily, the bible is God's inspired Word. Besides revealing the Good News about forgiveness and eternal life, it can also answer the many questions you will have as you try to live a life that pleases God. It will enable you to be "thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:17, NIV).

      Here are some suggestions as you begin reading the Bible on a daily basis:

1. Try reading the New Testament books in this order:

     a..First, read through the Gospel of John, a chapter a day. This will help you understand the basic facts about the Gospel.

     b.. Then read Acts, for the exciting story of how Christ's first disciples spread the Good News of His death and resurrection.

     c.. Next, read some of the letters that Christ's apostles wrote to these first disciples -- all of whom were new in their faith, just like you.

                 These letters include Romans through 3 John.

     d.. Then, go back and read one of the other three gospels: Matthew, Mark or Luke.

2. Think about what you read; study and analyze it. Ask your pastor or a mature Christian friend to recommend a good Bible study guide. The Bible not only reveals God to us; it contains greater wisdom than all the other books in the world.

3. Read through the Psalms -- the Old Testament book of worship -- to enrich your devotion to God.

4. Read Proverbs to gain wisdom and common sense, and to strengthen your relationships with other people.

5. Pray for understanding. The Holy Spirit will help you (Psalm 119:18), and you will begin to see life from God's perspective.

6. Whenever you can, talk with others about what you are learning.

       Pray Daily Talk with God often. Talk over your problems with Him. Let Him bear the weight of your troubles (See Matthew 11:28; 1 Peter 5:7).


Regarding Titus 2:11-14 Ryrie writes:

The verb teaching encompasses the whole concept of growth—discipline, maturing, obedience, progress, and the like. This involves denial of improper things and direction into proper channels. These five terms—godliness, worldly lusts, soberly, righteously, godly—do not describe the content of grace teaching so much as they indicate the object and purposeful goal of that teaching. And this intent is, according to this passage, the ultimate purpose of the Incarnation of Christ. He came to display the grace of God in the changed lives of his people. The final cause of the revelation of the grace of God in Christ is not creed but character.

       Live the life of a Christian